Mireia Pons

Mireia Pons, il.lustradora i dibuixant de Barcelona. Tot i que la seva passió és la il.lustració infantil, col.labora en diferents projectes de tot tipus comunicant sempre a través del dibuix. Paral.lelament a la seva feina com a il.lustradora treballa amb diferents entitats culturals, festivals i empreses com a mediadora i educadora artística. Juntament amb la dibuixant Clara-Tanit, va creat “Les Rupestres”, impartint tot tipus d'activitat a partir de tres pilars importants: el dibuix, el joc i el cos. 

“El dibuix ens permet entendre el món que ens envolta, fixar-nos en com són i com funcionen les coses i entendre'ns també molt millor a nosaltres mateixos. No deixem mai de dibuixar!”

Mireia Pons, an illustrator and artist from Barcelona, is deeply passionate about children's illustration. Despite her primary focus on illustrating for children, she collaborates on various projects of diverse nature, always communicating through her drawings. In addition to her work as an illustrator, she collaborates with different cultural entities, festivals, and companies as a mediator and art educator. Together with the artist Clara-Tanit, she co-created "Les Rupestres," engaging in various activities based on three essential pillars: drawing, play, and the body.

"Drawing allows us to understand the world around us, observe how things are and how they work, and also understand ourselves much better. Let's never stop drawing!"

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